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Why Japan does not need to apologize to Korea

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Why Japan does not need to apologize to Korea

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Jul 26, 2006, 17:04leonmarino

Originally Posted by caster51
it is not true
it is like that So it is true because some dude on YouTube contradicts his mother..? This discussion is below any level of decency and critical thinking.
Jul 26, 2006, 17:07leonmarino

Originally Posted by caster51
they were sold to brothel by their family and agents bacause of poverty
locals( korean ,chinese)were running most brothels.
of corse japanese army managed to check sick like syphilisMany African people sold their child to slave traders because of financial difficulties. Many parents were lied to though, being promised that their child will return after a period of time.
So going by your logic slavery is permitted?
Jul 26, 2006, 17:11caster51
李玉善(イ・オクソン)さん。李さんは戦時中、旧日本 軍にむりやり従軍慰安婦にさせられたひとりです。李さんは釜山生まれ 。
15歳のとき、お使いに出かけ、路上で、日本人とchosun人のふたり組の男に突然、両脇を抱えられて連れ去られ、中国で慰安婦と して働かされました。
軍慰安所の少女たちは皆、日本名で呼ばれていた。十四 歳の李玉善(イ・オクソン)さん(78)は、この呼び 名が嫌いだった。
朝鮮半島東南の海辺の町、蔚山(ウルサン)。買い物に 出かけた李さんが突然、見ず知らずの男たちに捕まり町 から連れ去られたのは
一九四二年のことだ。貨物列車で連れて行かれたのは、 中国東北部、延吉の日本軍駐屯地に置かれた慰安所。管理人を名乗る男から
着物と毛布を渡され、「これは借金だ。返すまで家には 帰れない」と言われた。
李玉善さんは1927年釜山で6人兄妹の長女として生 まれた。家が大変貧しくて学校に行きたくても行けなか った。
14歳の時、お金が稼げるし、学校にも行かせてやると セわれ、飲み屋の養女として売られたが、仕事がうまく ナきないと
雇い主からよく殴られた。その後李さんはその店を解雇され、別の飲み屋に売ら れた。
トラックに乗せられた。李さんが到着した場所は中国の 延吉にある空軍部隊の飛行場だった。
(自分の親の)学校を送ってくれるという話は真っ赤な 嘘だった. 養女でもなかった. chosun人主人はあらゆる下動きはもちろん
スルゾブデまでさせた. オックソンはお酒接待を拒否して二回も逃げてからブッ ザブヒョがなぐられたりした.
朝鮮男 2人が手首をぱっと引っ張って
Jul 26, 2006, 17:16caster51

So going by your logic slavery is permitted?
prostitution is the oldest bussiness.
japanese army did not need to know why they were prostitution

soldires saraly was 20 yen at that time.
their saraly was 1000~1500yen
whenever they could go home....
their debt were about 1000 Yen
Jul 26, 2006, 17:35caster51
after war GHQ also invetigated Burma's case
most of them are just prostitutes..

anyway ,more than 80% of them were japanese.
they know reasons well because working togather
Jul 26, 2006, 17:46caster51
can I finish about forced confort women?
japanese army forced them?
how about forced labors?


Oh ..... more comical amateur videos herehowever it is very important.
korean was drafted since 1944 sep.
it means they came to japan voluntary to look for job

korean testimony is.......
Jul 26, 2006, 18:00caster51
about funny testimony....


Perjury Cases Continue to Rise

Perjury offenses are on the rise with prosecutors charged 1,343 persons with the crime in 2002, a 60 percent increase since 1998's 845 it was reported Thursday. The number shows a significance difference from Japan, where five persons were charged with perjury in 2000, compared to the 1,198 Koreans during the same year.

Judges and prosecutors say that perjury results from culture; telling lies is not considered to be "seriously wrong," and good friends are not supposed to "tell" on each other.

Judge Yoon Nam-geun of the Changwon District Court said that he saw cases where witnesses to close friends on trial did not appear saying that they were "sick," or saying that they "did not remember" when they did give testimony. Judge Yoon said that these were not unjust citizens, just regular Koreans who could not say anything "bad" about close friends.
Jul 27, 2006, 09:12ricecake

Originally Posted by caster51

it means they came to japan voluntary to look for job
Today's Japan Zainichi Korean population are remaining descendants of forced relocation of Korean laborers to Japan in the early 20th century.

Present Japan PM Koizumi's father instrumentally repatriated nearly 1 million Japan's forced Korean laborer population back to N Korea in the 1950's.

Prime Minister Koizumi's maternal grandfather " master-minded " the assassination of warlord Chang Tso-Lin in Manchuria led to creation of Manchukuo puppet state in the 1930's,he was also the " godfather " of Black Dragon Society notorious known for operating illegal actitivies.

Your Japanese PM's family has blooded their hands,same as many today's Japanese political families with grandfathers were participants of Japan Empire.They surely don't want to execute the sins of their own forebears.
Jul 27, 2006, 09:22Hachiro
Off topic a bit;

Originally Posted by caster51

it means they came to japan voluntary to look for job

That is like saying my father-in-law voluntarily went to China to fight in the war when he was 16 years old. Not quite.

If Japan hadn't annexed Korea none of this would have happened. Did you know there were Korean's killed here in Okinawa during the battle of Okinawa? They didn't come here "voluntarily" either.
Jul 27, 2006, 10:20ricecake

Originally Posted by caster51

they were sold to brothel by their family and agents bacause of poverty
locals( korean ,chinese)were running most brothels.
Can you provide unforgerized documents back up your fictitious claim of those facilities operated by non-Japanese,or just silly cheap talk of yours ?

Most cases those women were rounded up by Japanese military personnel,assigned locations where they could provide " sex service ".

Japanese nationality was the " front-runner " of internationalized brothel trade in the early 20th century,1974 Japanese film " Sandakan No 8 " retold many thousand Japanese teen girls shipped to Borneo plus other islands in the South Pacific with false promise of fortunes.Local brothels there were run by Japanese mama-san's.
Jul 27, 2006, 19:45caster51

If Japan hadn't annexed Korea none of this would have happenedThe Korean hoped for it, too.
it is easy for korean to turn over the palm of their hand.


Did you know there were Korean's killed here in Okinawa during the battle of OkinawaOK
Then, the fact that a lot of Koreans and politician hoped for annexation is proven.
and the japanese did not want an annexation with poor korea ay that time.
I will show you many documments and pics.
Jul 27, 2006, 19:53Hachiro

Originally Posted by caster51
The Korean hoped for it, too.

Then, the fact that a lot of Koreans and politician hoped for annexation is proven.
and the japanese did not want an annexation with poor korrea.
I will show you many documments and pics.So.....I dont follow your point on this thread.

Why didnt Japan want to annex Korea? If that is the fact, then why did Japan annex Korea?
Jul 27, 2006, 20:08caster51

Originally Posted by Hachiro
So.....I dont follow your point on this thread.

Why didnt Japan want to annex Korea? If that is the fact, then why did Japan annex Korea?can you read japanese or korean?
at first Do you know Pm Ito opposed annexation?
Jul 27, 2006, 20:14Hachiro

Originally Posted by caster51
can you read japanese or korean?
at first Do you know Pm Ito opposed annexation?I can only read "some" Japanese and "0" Korean. If that is the problem or explaination then please don't go to the trouble of posting it.

I have enough headaches at the moment, and really don't need another one working on translating a web site or web page.

Thanks anyway.
Jul 27, 2006, 20:21pipokun

Originally Posted by ricecake
Today's Japan Zainichi Korean population are remaining descendants of forced relocation of Korean laborers to Japan in the early 20th century.Actually, it is not true.


Present Japan PM Koizumi's father instrumentally repatriated nearly 1 million Japan's forced Korean laborer population back to N Korea in the 1950's.Some Japanese incl. media and politicians took the DPRK or your PRC as a heaven in the world then. The problem is that we still have the dreamers in Japan...
Jul 27, 2006, 20:29caster51
this pic was 一進会(korean politics party at that time)

today china is getting more power.
How is the United States said by them?
america invaded korea?

why are korean doing the witch hunting(pro-japan)?
what did pro-japanese do.? why so many?
they thought the best way was Annexation with japan.
Jul 27, 2006, 20:41caster51


Calling Japanese Rule a 'Blessing' Insults History

Korea University Professor Emeritus Han Seung-jo has made waves with an article in a right-wing Japanese magazine asserting that Japan's colonization of Korea was a blessing in disguise. This is neither historically accurate nor responsible on the part of a senior intellectual.


Japan, having skillfully asserted her claim to an equality of rights in Korea, after several diplomatic triumphs and marked success in obtaining fiscal and commercial ascendancy, eventually, by overthrow of her rival (China) in the late war, secured political ascendancy likewise," Bishop wrote.
Jul 27, 2006, 21:06caster51

日本は思いやりの態度で韓国に接していると思う。今度こそ、韓国を中国からの呪縛から解放しようとし ているようだ。韓国国民に平和と繁栄と文明開化をもた らすことによって、力の弱い隣国韓国を安定した独立国 にしようと考えている。こうした日本の動機は韓国知識層で ある官僚の多くが歓迎している。アメリカにも異存はな いと思われる。
1 904年10月4日 ロンドンタイムズ紙London times 1904


「十二月八日- 日本が米英に宣戦布告した1941年 、昭和十六年十二月八日 大東亜戦争勃発の 日(後世、太平洋戦争と呼称されている)
1910年、日本が韓国を併合したのは(韓国の)新皇 帝が 「請願」したからであっ た。パールハーバー以前は、日韓関係について語る歴史家は、日本が欧米列 強から 教わった国際関係の規則を、実に細かいところまで几帳 面に守っていた、といってほめるのだ。トリート教授によれば、日本は「一つ一つの手続きを外交的に 正しく積み上げていた。そして、・・・宣言ではなく条 約で、最終的な併合を達成したのである。」
事実、列強の帝国建設はほとんどの場合、日本の韓国併 合ほど「合法的」手段を踏んでいなかった。アメリカの鏡・日本ー ヘレ ン・ミアーズ


朝鮮の王室と政府は腐敗堕落しきっており、、頑迷な朋 党は、人民の財を略奪して い る.その上、人民はあまりにも愚昧である。これでは国 家独立の資格はなく、進んだ文明と経済力 を持つ日本に統治させなければ、ロシアの植民地になる だろう。
アメリカ人の朝鮮外交顧問  ドーハム・スティーブンソンAmerican diplomacy adviser of Korea


日露戦争でロシアに食べられる寸前の韓国を救ってくれ た。
あの国に着き、この国に着き・・・結局は外交権を奪わ れる事になった。
伊藤博文が韓国の国民を見守ってくれ、皇太子を導いて 韓国の為に尽くしてくれた事は忘れられない。
だから劣等国民として保護されるよりも、日本と合邦し 大帝国を作ろう。
世界の1等国民として日本人と全く同じ待遇を受けなが ら暮らしてみよう。
※1909年 12月4日「韓日合邦を要求する声明書」一進 �i百万の朝鮮/人会員)korean 一進会


人間としての幸福が受けられる道はない。korean diplomat 李成玉
Jul 27, 2006, 22:15Hachiro
Caster what does your last post have to do with whether or not Japan needs to apologize to Korea or not?

Korea didn't invade Japan. Japan invaded Korea right?

Japan attempted to annex China and the rest of southeast Asia as well, or is that a myth as well?

I don't follow what the point is you are trying to make here. Is Japan guilty of these acts or not?

I apologize for not being able to understand everything you write here, I know that you are using a translation site to help you post here.
Jul 28, 2006, 01:18ricecake

Originally Posted by caster51

why are korean doing the witch hunting(pro-japan)? what did pro-japanese do.? why so many?

they thought the best way was Annexation with japan.
ROK government and also many college students feel the need to " root out " remnants of pro-Japanese element amongst ruling establishment and literary elites for the good of Korean nation and her people to prevent future " undermining schemes " of Japanese.

One notable example is Samsung's founder Lee family was once a largest rice merchant during Japanese occupation years,their collaboration with Japanese is documented.There are some other examples,I don't want to waste time copy/paste here.

You meant it was imperialist Japanese thought out the annexation plan,this was in conflict with Korea kingdom's last Empress Min's sought for Russian military assistance led to her tragic death by the hands of Japanese cruelty and savagedly gang-raped by her Japanese assailant and accomplices.
Jul 28, 2006, 01:28ricecake

Originally Posted by caster51

The Korean hoped for it, is easy for korean to turn over the palm of their hand.

Then,the fact that a lot of Koreans and politician hoped for annexation is proven.

and the japanese did not want an annexation with poor korea ay that time.
:lol: ..... Oh ... words of self fullfilling prophecy presented by caster51,your acts are comical at times.

The proud Korean people absolutely didn't desired for any " unequal " partnership with Japanese whom they looked down upon for many centuries.

Can you provide a list of Korean sell-out politicians collabrated with imperialist Japanese in the annexation scheme ?

Ummm ... Japan did actually annexed Korea peninsula against the wills of the Royal House of Yi and Korean people.
Jul 28, 2006, 01:43ricecake

Originally Posted by pipokun

Actually, it is not true.

Some Japanese incl. media and politicians took the DPRK or your PRC as a heaven in the world then.

The problem is that we still have the dreamers in Japan...
Overwhelming majority of Japan's Zainichi Koreans are indeed 4th or 5th generation born and bred,plus a percentage might be of recent S Korean immigrants.What's not true,can you elaborate further ?

Just a note,my family left mainland China back in 1870's decades before PRC was established there.

Yeah,right-wing ultra-nationlist Japanese dreamers have " full on dementia " in response to ruthless conducts commited by Japan Imperial Army.
Jul 28, 2006, 16:37caster51

Korea didn't invade Japan. Japan invaded Korea right?japan inveded korea?:blush:
japan did not invede korean ( for Annexation)
japan did the Annexation with peace.
Japane did ntt fight againt them


Japan attempted to annex China and the rest of southeast Asia as well, or is that a myth as well?that is a myth..
Manchuria was an idependent country though someone say puppet


The proud Korean people absolutely didn't desired for any " unequal " partnership with Japanese whom they looked down upon for many centuriesthey were japannese nationality.
that is , they were the japanese at that time.
they could move eveywhere in japan
they can change the name freely.
there were some generals and 11 diet members.
Jul 28, 2006, 16:51caster51
How about taiwan?
most of old taiwanese ppls are evaluating japan justifiable though it might come from china priblems.


I was there during the occupation of Japan. It's very funny, even though we were dominated or controlled by the Japanese, if you ask any people about the age of 65 years old, everybody really appreciates the life we enjoyed there instead of right now. It's very interesting
Jul 28, 2006, 18:25caster51

ricecake.....Can you provide a list of Korean sell-out politicians collabrated with imperialist Japanese in the annexation scheme

Colonial Collaborator List Released
An independent committee putting together an encyclopedia of collaborators during the Japanese colonial era on Monday announced an initial list of 3,090 names, many of them leading figures in Korea’s postwar development, to be included in the tome.
The Institute for Research in Collaborationists Activities said the standard of selection was cooperation with Japan's theft of Korea's sovereignty, participation in institutions of imperial control, interference with the independence movement, cooperation with Japan's attempts to wipe out Korean culture and its World War II invasions, and former independence fighters who cooperated with the occupying forces.
It divided collaborators into 13 groups, including traitors, advisors to the Japanese Government-General, those who served in the imperial legislature, police, army officers, judges, pro-Japanese groups, religious leaders, artists and cultural figures, media publishers, and war collaborators. "We included military officers above the rank of second lieutenant and police officers above the rank of lieutenant,” the committee’s chairman, Yoon Kyoung-ro, said. “Even if they engaged in no particular pro-Japanese acts, if they were in a certain position they must take social responsibility."
The list includes the founders of leading Korean universities. Kim Sung-soo, Yoo Jin-oh, Paek Nam-joon and Kim Hwal-lan were founders or presidents of prestigious private universities like Korea University, Yonsei University and Ehwa Woman's University. Former president Park Chung-hee is there for voluntarily joining the Japanese military and exceptionally rising to company-grade rank. A large number of well-known artists and intellectuals were included, among them writers Choi Nam-seon, Lee Gwang-su and Mo Yun-suk, composers Hong Nan-pa and Hyun Je-myeong, painter Kim Gi-chang and leading historian Lee Byeong-do.
Conspicuous by their absence are the fathers of two lawmakers in the ruling Uri Party, Shin Ki-nam and Kim Hee-sun. “Shin and Kim's fathers did not fit the standard since they were not above the rank of second lieutenant or police lieutenant, and there is insufficient data showing they engaged in malicious pro-Japanese activities," Yoon explained.
The decision to define collaborators by position rather than action is likely to stir controversy. The Liberty Union said, "Not only is there room for serious human rights violations because of [the committee’s] failure to base their selection on concrete and clear evidence, but it's also an act that damages the cause of setting history straight."
Among media figures, prominent names include former Chosun Ilbo president Bang Eung-mo, former Dong-A Ilbo president Kim Seong-su, and former JoongAng Ilbo chairman Hong Seok-hyun's father Hong Jin-ki. "Designating Bang Eung-mo a collaborator is unconvincing," the Chosun Ilbo said.
The project is being carried out with W750 million (US$750,000) in donations from Internet users and W800 million from the National Institute of Korean History, which is run by the Ministry of Education. The committee plans to announce a second list of overseas and regional collaborators and publish the complete encyclopedia in December 2007. It seems the compendium will have an influence on the activities of a presidential committee launched on May 31 that is separately looking into the history of collaboration during the colonial period. that had been annexed to Germany admitted Austria was an assailant and
The Japan-South Korea annexation did a formal signature with peace.
However, the relation between Germany and Austria is obviously due to a
military invasion.
Is South Korea true though takes victim's standpoint?
The responsibility is pressed against someone, and the subterfuge as the nation
is done when becoming inconvenient
one of lists of witches(Japanophiles)


The prosecutor-general consented to the order yesterday, although he later tendered his resignation. Mr. Kang urged President Roh Moo-hyun to "keep our national identity and legitimacy" and "stop distorting history."
A person of composition of the korean national anthem was also pro-Japan.?

Park won admission to a two-year training program in Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet state in Manchuria. He graduated from the Japanese Manchurian military academy at the top of his class in 1944. He then was selected for another two years of training at the Imperial Military Academy in Tokyo. His experience with the Japanese government's program of economic development in Manchukuo strongly affected his thinking when he became president of South Korea.
He graduated with top sccore.
he did representative greeting or speech at graduation celemony in Ichigaya because of top score.
korean war hero was also nominated as a witch

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